Q: I registered a version of File Buddy prior to 4.0, but the one I just got says I'm not registered anymore. Why is that?
A: File Buddy 4 uses a different serial number scheme. If you registered a previous version of File Buddy and feel the new features make it worth upgrading, read about upgrading in the file Upgrading/Registering FB.
Q: I registered a version of File Buddy 4, but the one I just got a newer version that says I'm not registered anymore. Why is that?
A: If you registered File Buddy 4.x and a copy of File Buddy 4.y says you are not registered, it is a bug. Please report is ASAP.
Q: Does File Buddy run under Mac OS 8?
A: The only known problem is one with Finder displaying icons after rebuilding the desktop. See the Read Me file under Known Problems with File Buddy 4.2.1 for a description.
Q: Is there an easy way to select a single volume in the Find window, or in other windows that require that I select volumes to search?
A: Select the desired volume while pressing the Option key.
Q: How do I delete a single item from a menu that adds items automatically, such as file type and creator menus?
A: To remove an item from any menu to which you can add items, select the item while pressing the Command key.
Q: How can I deselect a single item in the file list window? How can I select discontiguous items in the file list window?
A: Click the item while pressing the Command key to toggle its selection state. Other items are not affected.
Q: How can I apply a change in the Get Info dialog to more than one item?
A: Drag all of the items onto File Buddy (or send them to the Get Info from the list window), make the desired change to the first item, and then click Change All.
Q: I dragged a gazillion files into the Get Info window and changed my mind. How can I close the window without clicking Cancel for every file?
A: Hold down the Option key. The Cancel button becomes a Cancel All button as long as the Option key is depressed. Click it to skip unprocessed items and close the window.
Q: What about the Make Alias window?
A: Same as above.
Q: Can I assign a label to a file type so I can remember with what application it’s associated when I see in in the file type popup menus?
A: Yes. Get Info for a file with that file type, and use the Label File Type “xxxx”... item in the Info menu.
Q: Can I use a credit card to register File Buddy?
A: Yes. Read the file "Upgrading/Registering FB" for a complete description of how to register using the Kagi shareware registration system. for either online registration or offline using the register application.
Q: Why is Kagi register application not included in the File Buddy package?
A: To reduce the size of the installer. Many people register directly with me at:
Laurence Harris
17 Old University Station Rd
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-1572
Even if you use Kagi, this way you only download it once, not every time you are updating to the latest version.
Q: What happens to my $35.00?
A: Okay, that one is not frequently asked, but I thought you might be interested. Counting self-employment tax and federal income taxes, Uncle Sam gets 41%. The state of North Carolina gets 7%. If you pay by Kagi, they take almost 11%. If you pay by SWREG, CIS gets 15%. So I get...